Finding YourSELF

You've now found your groove with your new munchkin.  You've finally fallen into more of a routine and made your way out of the fog. You are enjoying watching your little love grow and work his/her way through so many exciting developmental milestones. But you still feel like a piece of you is lost - and you're not alone! While I enjoyed this stage of motherhood a lot, I found that it my life was consumed by it and I lacked the motivation to work on my physical and mental health, nutrition, relationships and personal growth.

This 6 WEEK program is for moms that are 6-12 months postpartum, that want professional and peer support and motivation to search for yourself again in this life of being a mama. Each group will have a maximum of 10 participants and be a safe space for raw and real sharing, growing and connecting. This program is a personal growth boot camp that will not bring back the old you, but will empower you to find the new  you! 


  • ​Ongoing group facilitation by a Registered Social Worker

  • Weekly topics and group discussion (with guest speakers) covering goal setting (and attaining), finding your motivation, self care, nutrition & exercise, sleep, hobby finding - the list goes on. Sessions will be recorded for those that can't attend in live time.

  • Personal growth workbook

  • Online peer support group access (with group participants only) 

*This program is lead by a Registered Social Worker that specializes in pediatric sleep and maternal mental health. As such it may be covered under your extended benefits package. Be sure to check with your provider!